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Solar Panel Farming

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Byron Kominek, a former diplomat as well as a Peace Corps volunteer, grew on a 24 acre family ranch in the Rocky Mountains. His farm was struggling to make profits so he decided to venture into solar farming. On his farm, he installed 3,200 solar panel, which were mounted on 8-foot posts.


The size of the array as well as the location of the panels will affect the costs of solar panel farming. Some solar farms are located on existing structures. They are also close to electrical panels and powerlines. Solar farms need water to keep their panels clean and operate efficiently. Building a solar-farm can take anywhere from 3 to 5 years.

As the world is freed from global lockdown, solar components are in high demand. But, there is still limited supply. As a result, the utility solar industry is facing its biggest challenge yet. Industry analysts believe that current bottlenecks cannot be overcome within the next 12 mois. This could mean lower margins for developers and higher offtake prices for offtakers.

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Land value

The value of land used for solar panel agriculture is rising dramatically. In California, where the demand for solar panels is high, land is now worth more than $1,000 per acre. But, the price of land can vary from state to state. For example, non-irrigated land in Arizona might be worth less than row cropland in the same state. Due to incentivization, solar rights in Massachusetts are valued higher than other states.

A flat area of land is essential if you plan to construct a large-scale utility-scale solar plant. It should be located adjacent to a road. But beware: a utility-scale solar farm requires a long-term lease.

Conservation values

Conservation values of solar panel farming include the enhancement of wildlife habitat and agricultural production. Solar facilities should be sited in areas that are not disturbed by other land development. For example, solar farms can be positioned on parking lots or rooftops, or on abandoned mine lands. These solar farms can produce clean energy for many decades and provide other environmental benefits.

Solar farmers should plant native plants near their panels. Solar panels can reach 18 inches from the ground so it is not a good idea to plant tall grasses or other plants that are sensitive to shade. A vital part of solar panel farming is the protection of pollinator habitat. It requires meticulous maintenance and carefully planned cultivation. Solar farmers must work with local communities to integrate native plants which will help conserving pollinators.

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You have many factors to consider when determining whether solar panel farming is financially viable. The most important is where you live. You should find a location that receives the most amount of sunlight. You also need to have space for maintenance and access to the panels. Ideally, the land should be in an area with a high demand for solar electricity.

Solar panel farming has one of the greatest benefits: it can dramatically reduce energy costs. This is especially useful for farmers with low productivity land. Also, solar panel agriculture can generate a consistent income stream that is more reliable than cash crops.


Solar Panel Farming