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New York City: Installing Solar Panels

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There are many benefits of installing solar panels at your home. New York State committed to making it easier for residents to access solar energy. It offers incentives and financing as well as education, training, and community solar projects. This is a wonderful opportunity for anyone who wants to return their investment and reduce their carbon emissions.


Solar panels can be expensive, but New York has a new program to help lower the cost of solar panels. The NY-Sun program offers rebates of $300 to $500 per kilowatt for residential installations. An average solar installation in New Jersey costs between $13,642-$18,458. Installing solar in New York is possible with a 30% federal tax credit. This credit can reduce the cost by thousands.

You must first know how much energy your home consumes to calculate the cost savings of installing solar panels. A 6.5-kW solar panel system will generate between 650 and 700 kilowatt hours of electricity per month depending on where you live. Calculate how much money you can save by not paying your energy bills each year.

renewable energy sources


New York State is one of the most important solar markets in the country. This is due to its high utility costs and favorable incentives for solar panel installation. It also boasts a great solar energy climate with very few shadows that can affect panels' ability to generate power. In addition, New York's high-rise buildings don't obstruct sunlight, making solar panels the best option for New York City homes.

Solar technologies have many advantages. They can reduce the city's need for electricity and reduce dependence on other sources. Solar panels can produce both thermal and electrical energy depending on their design. This can be used to heat water, or power appliances. Professional engineering is required to install solar electric or hot-water systems. These engineers need to ensure that the structural system of the building is capable of supporting the added weight. Also, building permits must be obtained for any building-connected solar energy system.

South-facing roofing

Many homeowners choose to have solar panels installed on their roofs. Generally, a south-facing roof is the best location for solar panels. These panels are most effective on roofs with a slope of 15 to 40 degrees. Roofs should also be in good shape.

The biggest advantage of solar panels that face south is their ability to capture the most sunlight throughout the day. West-facing roofs will receive more energy, especially in the late afternoon. This is good for you and your utility as electricity prices are higher late in the afternoon, when electricity demand is high. Solar customers are happy to stick it to their local utility.

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Community solar

Community solar programs offer an alternative to traditional green energy. These programs offer a way to purchase solar panels in shares, rather than buying individual panels. The solar panels can then be used to offset the customer's electricity use. This can reduce the customer's overall utility bills. A good example of cooperative social enterprises is the community solar program.

Community solar members get substantial financial benefits, including a 10 percent discount on their utility bill. These members are helping to advance the use and sustainability of solar energy within New York City. This arrangement has a downside. Some members might be disappointed when their utility diverts their community solar electricity to meet their Clean Energy Standard mandate.


New York City: Installing Solar Panels